Looking into an X-Ray mirror

If I had X-Ray vision I might see this were I to look into a mirror…
You can make out quite a few interesting features. Apparently my first cervical vertebrae never fully closed… so part of my spine is ‘open’ (okay you can’t tell that from this image, but you CAN from my CT scan!). This is not uncommon (so they tell me), but it makes me wonder if this is the source of the hole through which my thoughts occasionally leak out.

P.S. Those super bright things in my mouth? Satellite uplinks, baby (for chatting with my alien friends and to watch new episodes of Glee).

(click once, then again for larger)

X-ray of my head - front view
X-ray of my head – front view
X-ray of my head - side view
X-ray of my head – side view


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