Projective Geometry – Harmonic Points Sequence

Projective geometry offers a window into the human soul -- not as a mere analogy, but directly: projective geometric processes are manifestations of the same archetypes that work through and within human experience. Doing projective geometry is to move your soul in accordance with these archetypes, and in so doing you start to train your...

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Harmonic Points and Lines: A Projective Geometric Exercise

WARNING: PROJECTIVE GEOMETRY MAY PUT HOLES IN YOUR BRAIN.  YOUR MIND MIGHT LEAK OUT - IF YOU WANT YOUR MIND IN YOUR BRAIN STOP READING NOW. Okay, here is a geometric exercise that I find very interesting (for some context about WHY it is interesting, look here). It is, however, more complicated than the previous one...

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Why every line is a circle… and vice versa: a projective geometric exercise.

I'd like to make a contribution with regards to circularity/linearity, from a geometrical standpoint.  If you don't like geometry, stop reading, or better yet, read with increased intensity. The polarity between circle/line is one that is fundamental to many geometries - they are taken to be quite different logical entities.  Primarily this arises because of...

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