A little perspective on science in light of Kuhn, relativism, and Eastern philosophy

A little perspective on science in light of Kuhn, relativism, and Eastern philosophy

Much is owed to the ideas of Thomas Kuhn and his thoughts on science, which rightfully and helpfully recontextualize the practice of science in light of wider realities of human complexity.  However, flowing out of postmodern trends, it is easy to then think of science as completely relative and just like any other knowledge...

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The Amazing Frank Chester – upcoming lecture!!!

Trust me, YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!! Frank Chester (find out about his initial work here, and read reviews of his work here) has just returned from a very well received presentation of his research on the Chestahedron at Sunbridge College in Spring Valley, New York. Many in the audience expressed disappointment afterwards that...

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Goethean Phenomenology, Soul Breathing, and Transformation

Goethean phenomenology acts as a transformative bridge between the researcher and a topic of inquiry.  The method is unique not in that it attempts to work through the subject/object split, but rather in the WAY it attempts to do this. Doing Goethean phenomenological research requires that one be completely open to what presents itself, while...

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Evidence, science, and spiritual knowing: developing organs of spiritual perception

Evidence can be gained through a variety of means.  Just as you would wish to use a sensitive detector of particular frequencies of light if you are doing x-ray crystallography, and not, say, an acoustic detector, so too we need to develop and use detectors that are appropriate to the realm in which we...

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What you don’t know about your cells will astound you.

We are ecologies within ecologies within ecologies.  Complex processes, such as inflammatory responses, span multiple systems as multivalent expressions of dynamic self organization.  Within constant interlaced boundaries provided by the dual and complementary forces of growth and decay, life becomes possible; we become possible.  Interactivity, specialization, contextual adaptation, flexibility, utilization of 'randomness' and dynamic...

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Gasp! Newton LIED to you about his three laws of motion!

I've been thinking about the co-existence of multiple descriptions of reality lately.  In particular, as someone who has taught high-school physics, I run up against a philosophical quandary when I'm presenting, say Newton's laws of motion.  Am I presenting a lie to the students, because quantum mechanics and general relativity replaced the Newtonian physics? On...

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Projective Geometry – Harmonic Points Sequence

Projective geometry offers a window into the human soul -- not as a mere analogy, but directly: projective geometric processes are manifestations of the same archetypes that work through and within human experience. Doing projective geometry is to move your soul in accordance with these archetypes, and in so doing you start to train your...

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is reliance upon dualism hardwired?

I wonder about the extent to which dichotomous thinking is either hard-wired or at least dependent on completely non-social forces.  It seems almost to be a thermodynamic question, that is, a question of trying to optimize the amount of energy spent in thinking for a given situation.  Thinking is a very expensive activity, physiologically...

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seeing upside down (with bonus experiment!)

Did you know that your eye is related to the pinhole camera? Light enters through the pupil of the eye, and a tiny image of the outside world fans out across the back of the eye, on the retina.  If you have an extremely dark room that has a window to the outside world, try...

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how do you know what knowledge is?

It's quite a dilemma - not being able to directly check much of what we are exposed to and presented as 'knowledge'.  Unless we begin to discover our own ways of knowing (a very difficult proposition, but I think possible), then we likely remain wanderers in the fog of our own (and other's) unconsciousness....

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Quantum Sheep

Concerning how quantum mechanics is being explored artistically:  (Quantum of Culture at Physics World) Consider Quantum Sheep, the brainchild of Valerie Laws, a writer who lives in the north of England. In 2002 she spray-painted words onto the fleeces of sheep from a nearby farm. As the flock milled about, the words rearranged and a new...

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