Patterns in Process: Transdisciplinarity as a Background for Working with the Elemental Cycle of Transformation

Patterns in Process: Transdisciplinarity as a Background for Working with the Elemental Cycle of Transformation

Abstract This essay outlines connections between the Elemental Cycle as an archetype of transformation, transdisciplinarity, and  cybernetics.  A number of questions are addressed: the nature and importance of connecting these fields, an examination of resources and the dominant disciplinary discourses for the associated fields, and a critical examination of my assumptions, beliefs, and position. Introduction How often...

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observing the observer

So then to begin in the middle I have many questions:     What constitutes an observer? How do we think about what an observer is/does? Is it as simply complex as the recursive: “An observer creates distinctions; distinctions create observers.”?     What is a distinction? In order for it to occur, does it require...

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Why every line is a circle… and vice versa: a projective geometric exercise.

I'd like to make a contribution with regards to circularity/linearity, from a geometrical standpoint.  If you don't like geometry, stop reading, or better yet, read with increased intensity. The polarity between circle/line is one that is fundamental to many geometries - they are taken to be quite different logical entities.  Primarily this arises because of...

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