Patterns in Process: Transdisciplinarity as a Background for Working with the Elemental Cycle of Transformation

Patterns in Process: Transdisciplinarity as a Background for Working with the Elemental Cycle of Transformation

Abstract This essay outlines connections between the Elemental Cycle as an archetype of transformation, transdisciplinarity, and  cybernetics.  A number of questions are addressed: the nature and importance of connecting these fields, an examination of resources and the dominant disciplinary discourses for the associated fields, and a critical examination of my assumptions, beliefs, and position. Introduction How often...

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Blow your mind with epistemology and ontology!

Blow your mind with epistemology and ontology!

To begin in the middle: -          There is no “it”, but there is talk about “it”.  Ultimately the talk about “it”, the pointing to “it”, is more fundamental to “it” than anything else, because it is the RELATIONS that are primary: thingness is a subset of relatedness.  Relations are not between two “things” but are...

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a tiny window

a tiny window

a tiny window gathers the world echoes morning’s rush of life amazingly, my fingers trace your carved shoulder like they have never known geometry somebody somewhere is getting coffee, walking the dog, dressing for a long day – but not we, whose worlds have just collided under the gaze of a tiny window that no one is looking through because we are beyond...

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on destruction

The role of destruction, and of the working out of polarities, is a subject that has been dealt with an the alchemical tradition for a very long time.  Alchemically, it is understood that the issue you are dealing with, in which you find yourself (the prima materia) MUST go through a process of putrefaction, of...

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concerning the evolution of consciousness

Earth --> Day-waking (i.e. 'normal' adult) consciousness  Water --> Imaginative consciousness  Air ----> Inspirational consciousness  Fire ---> Intuitive consciousness   Earth --> Thinking 'about' - object-oriented  Water --> Thinking 'with' - process oriented  Air ----> Thinking 'between' - polarity-oriented, (Brad exemplifies this very well)  Fire ----> Thinking 'as' - whole-oriented   Further, considering that all thinking...

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