An Esoteric Guide to Spencer Brown’s Laws of Form #6

An Esoteric Guide to Spencer Brown’s Laws of Form #6

(New readers will want to start with the first installment.) We ended the last installment by discussing the esoteric nature of the injunction.  We continue this exploration, and bring this series to a close. LoF p. 81 In the command "let the crossing be to the state indicated by the token" we at once make the token doubly meaningful, first...

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An Esoteric Guide to Spencer Brown’s Laws of Form #1

An Esoteric Guide to Spencer Brown’s Laws of Form #1

(A full PDF of this article can be had here.) George Spencer Brown (in his spirit, I would like to say: "Let George Spencer Brown = GSB"), a logician, engineer, and teacher, wrote a curious little book called Laws of Form, that inspired countless interesting people of widely varying backgrounds.  The book is not a...

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Transformative Learning

Transformative Learning

"What is the connection between a transformative learning approach and the sense of one's own spirituality? In what way does transformative learning nurture the spirit any more than any other learning style does?" There are many styles of transformative learning. In general, however, one key aspect of transformative learning the explicit recognition that learning...

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Waldorf Educators: A Light on the Path

The world has problems; LOTS of them.  But as long as there are people like my friend Nancy, who devote their lives and love to one of the most important and practical callings on the planet, education of our young, I have hope for the future. Let me give you a picture, in her own words,...

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Rudolf Steiner and Sri Aurobindo: A Beginning Comparison

Rudolf Steiner and Sri Aurobindo: A Beginning Comparison

A cursory Google search (2009) didn't turn up anything promising in regards to comparing Rudolf Steiner and Sri Aurobindo.  Hopefully this will help: Rudolf Steiner and Sri Aurobindo: A Beginning Comparison Summary: This longer essay summarizes the basic elements of the spiritual-cosmological worldviews of two of the most important modern, integrative spiritual thinkers: Rudolf Steiner and...

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Evidence, science, and spiritual knowing: developing organs of spiritual perception

Evidence can be gained through a variety of means.  Just as you would wish to use a sensitive detector of particular frequencies of light if you are doing x-ray crystallography, and not, say, an acoustic detector, so too we need to develop and use detectors that are appropriate to the realm in which we...

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Projective Geometry – Harmonic Points Sequence

Projective geometry offers a window into the human soul -- not as a mere analogy, but directly: projective geometric processes are manifestations of the same archetypes that work through and within human experience. Doing projective geometry is to move your soul in accordance with these archetypes, and in so doing you start to train your...

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Coros Meditative Retreat: The Teachings of Isis: From Anxiety to Insight

Dennis Klocek is holding a Coros Institute meditative retreat on April 3rd - 5th (Palm Sunday Weekend) at Walker Creek Ranch in Petaluma, CA. Topics will include: · Death of the spirit in the material world as a source of unconscious anxiety. · Working on the essential steps of separating the soul forces in the process...

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distinguishing between the ego and “I”

Our experience of ourselves is in many ways completely mediated by aspects which are located beyond the normal boundary of the "I".  I'd like to offer one possible way of looking at the issue.   I approach this question concerning the boudaries of the "I" by taking into account the transformations of the "I" as...

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swallowing the sun

what spirit speaks the heart re-echoes its lofty chambers with choric ringing  twist and fold in timely rhythm the fountain's deep moods springing   unshadowed now, revealed and waking all forge and fire, veils rent aside the swallowed sun, see! - beaming again 'cross the rivers, stride in stride the call's heard round from distant shores the ferryman's change cast far away for the...

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